Ali Taylor 10:27
So welcome to the Wednesday wisdom series, we have a special Valentine's Day edition, which is all about company culture, and loving where you work. I am here today with Gaby Jordan, who's the CEO of source elements group, and also the president and founder of human better edu. The work that she does, she is thrilled to empower executives and their teams to align cultures and build successful businesses which produce exponential results. Simultaneously, she has a passion for empowering parents, students, administrators, and faculty across all levels of education that stems from her own commitment to education and students thriving. She has also been practicing law for 15 years as a commercial civil litigator, and she has turned her attention to the business world, then executive coaching and education. And as an executive life coach, Gaby has trained individuals and teams for over 25 years. And she has served as executive vice president for a major executive and life coaching company, from 2006 to 2022, where she's coached executives, managers, and entrepreneurs in major companies, while also running the education division of that company. Needless to say, she has a ton of experience in helping cultures do better and accomplish more when they are aligned. And I'm happy to have her on here today.
Gaby Jordan 12:34
Thank you. Beautiful. Thank you. Thank you. So delighted to be here. Yeah, awesome.
Ali Taylor 12:39
Well, I shared, I dived a little bit into some of your history that you had sent over to me, but tell me a little bit more about what inspired you to sort of go down the paths that you have gone down.
Gaby Jordan 12:55
So in my history, so I was a commercial civil litigator for 15 years, and I did that, and I practice law, and it was great. You know, it's unusual that in the, in the, in the corporate civil law, you actually have eight trials, like in that period of time. So that's a lot, which is great and wonderful experience. And from there, I moved into the business world where I was running direct marketing programs, I knew nothing about direct marketing, but it was, in fact, the way the company was structured in the fact that people really paid attention to happy people produce happy results. And that the through thread in sort of the unusual law firm I was with, then into that led me perfectly into executive coaching. And really, you know, my passion is really having people be happy about what they do, because I know they're more effective when they do that. And doing and what led me into being an entrepreneur was really being able to determine my fate, if you will, right, really be able to get something out into the world in a way that I wanted to get it out into the world. And so that's, you know, the trajectory of that really supported moving into this direction in the business world, right. So because when I was in the law firm, I wasn't really running programming and paying attention to p&l sets. And then when I did that, in the business world that sort of added to my panoply of experience to be able to really support companies and individuals in getting what they want to do. So then, yeah,
Ali Taylor 14:30
and so when you saw those two things, you had the civil litigator roles that you're working in, and then being able to look at the p&l and you saw was there like a connection that you saw between how people showed up?
Gaby Jordan 14:45
And then I will say at the time, you know, full disclosure, I didn't see that, but one of the things that I really do know and I say this for anyone who's out there, like whatever you're doing is useful relative to what you're going to do and what you want to create. So all of those experiences that you have in life really lead you to, you know, what's next for you and can be used and what's next for you. And it's funny because as a lawyer where after I finished practicing law, and after I was in the direct marketing, I had people who wanted to use me as a consultant relative to what they were doing legally. Right. So in the business world, and I said, scrape, but you don't really need me for that, oh, no, no, no, we feel more comfortable, right. And so what the experience they gained as a lawyer gave me confidence in certain areas that people don't typically have. And so it's incredibly useful. And then recognizing the inner workings of what happens, you know, with a p&l and they accountability for that really did support me in the world that I'm in now. And the fact that you know, when you're a lawyer, and when you're a litigator, you learn about all sorts of different types of businesses. And so that supports you also, in the experience, you had that what you can offer to clients. So, yeah,
Ali Taylor 16:01
I love that I love the idea that you're just sort of collecting all the different tools and resources and perspectives that you're going to be, excuse me, to be able to bring things out into the world the way that you want them, which is the the one thing that I love about, you know, being an entrepreneur and being a business owner is being able to bring forth something the way that you envision it the way that you see it from your unique perspective. So that's, that's amazing. So tell me a little bit about some of what were some of the early challenges that you faced, in sort of getting to this place that you are now?
Gaby Jordan 16:42
Where do I start?
Ali Taylor 16:44
Well, I guess, let's start with the one that sort of altered the trajectory that made you realize like, Okay, now I'm clear on the problem that I want to solve in a world what is interesting,
Gaby Jordan 16:54
the the focus that I do now, and I will say that I do this in the business world, but I also do it in the world of education. So as I, as you mentioned, I ran the education division for an executive and life coaching company. And in that company, what we did, and what we what I continue to do is to empower students, and anybody that impacts students, one of the connection there, and the work that I do in companies is very similar to the work that I do in education, because other than the teaching of the students working in the organization of education is like working in the organization of a company, in fact, where I am, today is in Kansas, working at a university, doing the very same thing that we do in businesses, which is being able to have people communicate in a way that accelerates their trajectory. One of the things that's really been missing in companies or it's missing in a lot of companies, is really being able to communicate in a way that supports what they're trying to do. Sometimes people you know, sometimes the thing that is missing, so is the communication, not necessarily the talent, the skills, the the, you know, the the, the carrying of the product or the service that you have. And so one of the things that I see is the making sure that the teams are in sync, it makes such a difference to where they go, where they end up. And the work that we've done over the years has had an exponential impact, positive impact on being T getting teams to succeed. And that the same thing is true in education, right? It just happens to be a different product. So one of the things that was really key for me was being able to make sure that communication with organizations and teams is intact. And that is something that I wanted to really attend to, and that I really care about, you know, we have a one of the things that would bring is that say that the executive teams crush results, you move the team dynamic from we to me. And that is really about accountability. And that is really about getting the individual to be able to see who they are in the matter of the success of the company. And so that's one of the challenges that I really wanted to address.
Ali Taylor 19:31
Yeah, yeah. So that's a great point. Because I know that excuse me, in talking to, you know, other business owners and some of the things that I've read online, it seems like there's such a negative impact in the culture in terms of getting people to take responsibility and to take that initiative and see that it's not like yeah, you're an integral part of this organization and how you show up makes a difference in what people are able to accomplish. So how are you addressing that? Like, what do you like, if somebody's watching this? I'm sure they're asked that question. I don't wanna get my team to care more and take more responsibility and initiative.
Gaby Jordan 20:15
And I will say, I will, I will tell you that Harvard Business Review just published, you know, the nine trends for 2024. And one of them is, is the ability to do conflict resolution, yes, right on track relative to where people need to be paying attention to. And so I'm delighted that that's the work that we do. So one of the things that we do is to have people actually say that their own responsibility who they are, right, making sure that people get, but they need to be connected to what they are committed to, they need to be connected to a vision, their even their own, and in many areas of life where they might not be as satisfied as they could be. So getting people happy in their own lives makes a difference in how they show up in the office. So one thing is really caring about the people. So that's the one thing. So if you're if you're saying, you know, what should business owners do? So one, you want to care about the people, and it's not, you know, they're not just there for a paycheck. And the more that people think that, Oh, they're there for a paycheck, the more they discount who they are as human beings, and we don't necessarily pay attention to that. And once you start to get people starting to connect to the things that they really want, then there's the opportunity to see, okay, how does that lead to the hole, because what happens is that sometimes when people are not particularly happy, or they're not happy with their teammates, if you will, they will say, Okay, well, I'm just going to do my job, I'm going to focus on here, not recognizing the impact of not being connected to the rest of the team, not recognizing the impact of that they care about the rest of the team, they actually can be more effective in what they're doing as a team. So individual responsibility, and then being able to see how it connects into the team and actually caring. So really getting people to care, not surface level, but because you care about individuals, because the happier your people are, and the happier they're going to be in really causing new results for you in the company, or organization.
Ali Taylor 22:23
Yeah, so that just reminded me of that whole, I remember, quiet quitting was a huge phrase in 2023. But hearing what you just said, in terms of, you know, when people are happy, you know, in their life or outside of their life, they're able to break so much more to, you know, how they work. And if the boss, the executives, they care about the employees, you know, they'll be able to have them connected to the overall mission division, and being connected to their co workers. And so it just brought up this thought of quiet quitting is really like a way of self protection, is connecting, to protect oneself from I don't know, maybe getting taken advantage of, or feeling like they can't really, you know, work or fulfill themselves in a way that they want. Is that is that sort of what you were kind of pointing to. So
Gaby Jordan 23:19
there is people paying attention to what they want. But also, I will say it's not, you know, typically within in the business world, and it's just about what they're doing in the organization, but it's also then individually, so they can pretend that they themselves, don't matter, that they don't matter, but their health, that they're, that they're the way they take care of themselves, their exercise, their mental stability, their ease, and calm, all of that as a factor. And so one of the things it's important for people to just to recognize who they are as a, as a whole individual, because it is that also that gives them sustenance, if you will, relative to the work that they're doing.
Ali Taylor 24:04
Yeah, yeah. So they have to find fulfillment and who they are, and then bring that to the job as opposed to go into the job to bring that fulfillment. They are right
Gaby Jordan 24:13
and be happy. Yeah. So when I say happy, I don't mean Instagram happy, right? I mean,
Ali Taylor 24:21
yeah, there's a lot of that. And there's a lot
Gaby Jordan 24:22
of that right. And there's a lot of that which is a distraction, which pulls you away from you know what you care about, but just proud of themselves. So happy in terms of satisfied proud of themselves proud of what they're doing, even if they haven't accomplished it yet, that they are on the right road to knowing that they are someone who they want to be proud of, and that that's who they're bringing to their colleagues. So they're not hiding a piece of themselves because they're embarrassed by it. But in fact that they can bring their full selves to whatever they're out to accomplish.
Ali Taylor 24:56
So how would a business leader go about fostering the kind of environment where that's possible.
Gaby Jordan 25:03
Asking questions, asking questions about the individual like, obviously, we're not trying to be intrusive, right. So you've got to get had permission to do that. But making sure that if they also see something or they see that somebody's not really happy that you inquire about it, that people know that you care, that makes a huge difference. And then I'll say so there's because I started by saying there's the what's happening in on an individual level, and then a group level. And it's also facilitating any kind of conflict resolution. Yeah. So one of the important things about what we do is that we actually look at what's it going to take to resolve that conflict. So actually give people a framework on how to have those conversations actually call them champion conversations. Because it really takes something to get over your fear of, oh, I don't want it to get messy, I don't want to interfere. I don't want them to think that, you know, it's not my business, all of those things, but actually giving a framework and how to actually have those conversations so that you can move towards resolution, because it's not like, okay, we're just one happy people running around. That's awesome. Yay. But then there's also good now you're anytime you have more than two people, or even just two people in a situation together, you have the opportunity for conflict. And unless you know how to resolve it, right and not confrontationally, but resolve it in a way that you really are designing towards a better future, write a better outcome, when you do that. That actually enables you to have a better result.
Ali Taylor 26:41
Yeah, I feel like there's so many people, I mean, just in general, who are not good at conflict resolution, they avoided at any, you know, possible turn. So that definitely translates into the workplace. Where I think more people are, people are just kind of satisfied to just hey, let's, you know, ignore it kind of sweeping under the rug. We'll pretend that we're big happy family when it comes time for picture day or, or it's time to take the new headshots. And it's like, yeah, there were toxic families out there, too, you know? Oh,
Gaby Jordan 27:15
yeah. Oh, definitely trip, right. And then the thing that I would encourage people is that they might not be successful the first time, it might be a little bit messy getting there, but it's worth it. You have to remember what the goal at the end of the day is? And it really is worth it.
Ali Taylor 27:35
Yeah, yeah. I mean, like anything else, it's a skill. Right? It's, it's something that you have to practice. A lot of us have worked on conflict resolution, certainly, we're taught conflict resolution in the workplace. And so yeah, I think it's important that people understand that it's a skill, it's a practice, it's something that you can actually learn how to do, even if you've been bad at it historically.
Gaby Jordan 27:57
And the thing that I would also say, is that not to be afraid of, oh, I have a difference of opinion. And therefore, I'm out of luck. Right? Like, oh, that's the end of it. I mean, I will say, as a personality trait, and one of the things that we do when we're working with people is have them look at their personality traits, and to see what serves them and what doesn't serve them and see what gets in their way. So full disclosure, I am one of those people who in the first instance like, Okay, if I see if I can make a difference, Senator, so I'm out of here, right? Like, that was a thing that I had to sort of, you know, get over like, the big. My poor husband would say, all right. And then he said, at some point, you know, when we've been married now for almost 30 years, but at some point, he had to say, Okay, I did like La la la, she's just doing her thing, don't even worry about. But so it's, I will tell you, it's not like I'm perfect. And so I understand where people are coming from and wanting to give up and wanting to not bother. And then the thing to know is you might have been you may have certain reactions, you're not stuck with those reactions. You don't need to stay in that you can get off the train. That is really good news that you know, we think that we are, you know, we Yeah, well, I had this thought that must be true, right? Not the case, right? So we teach people how to distinguish between their unhelpful beliefs and theories and personality traits that get in their way so that they can get off the train and get on the train they want to be on.
Ali Taylor 29:26
Yeah, I love that. I love that. Like, you're not stuck with that thought that you actually get off that thinks something else.
Gaby Jordan 29:36
That's right. That's right. You really can. It's like, you know, America. Oh, I don't have to get to Philadelphia if I'm going to Washington. Get off the train. Yeah,
Ali Taylor 29:47
I could actually I could actually do something different, right. I don't do what's always been done. Thanks. Awesome. Well, um, so in terms of just you know, So how do you personally go about doing this growth? Right? Like you're teaching us other people, you're helping other people discover it. And I've always maintained in certain programs and personal development that I've done, like, there is no top to the mountain, in terms of proving yourself developing yourself. So what are some things that you put in practice that you would recommend for a business leader, or even you know, somebody who's an employee of a company, who's looking to develop themselves, what's something that you would recommend? So
Gaby Jordan 30:30
one of the things I say is you always want to be learning, alright, I, you know, I'm in I'm in the midst of a number of different programs right now, where I'm getting new approaches, new theories, new learnings, relative, I call it my graduate executive education that I'm currently doing, and seeing what's out there, whether it's reading books, or whether it is taking programs, or now there's so much available that's online, you can really, you know, look at in terms of what you care about, right? So I would say start with the things that you really care about, and developing yourself, and keep going from there, one thing may lead you to another, somebody will recommend something else. And so I really do care about learning, which is good thing, given that I'm in education. But, uh, but that's, you know, that's, that's what I do, right, I read I you know, or audiobooks, you know, these days, given that you can multitask in that way, not advocating multitasking. But that is a useful way to, to keep learning, and then do programs that are you're interested in, look at to see where you feel like you could expand your skill and start investigating that looking at that and seeing what's there.
Ali Taylor 31:49
Yeah, that's awesome. And is there any particular book or audio book or podcasts or something that you recommend right now? There
Gaby Jordan 31:57
are many. It depends. So in the area of personal finance, so some that I would recommend is Rachael Rogers, she has a great book that my daughter actually recommended to me. Although a lot of you may have this one, that's that one. Nice with the prompts, and we didn't even prepare. So there's also the culture code, you know, given that I'm talking about culture, and there I just, you know, just exploring so you know, that. So Rachael Rogers, I definitely recommend she's got not only did she have that book, but she's also got podcast, she's got audio original, which I just listened to, is that in the in the area of personal finance? Then I would also say that, yeah, let me just stop there for the moment.
Ali Taylor 32:57
Well, yeah, let's let's pull on that personal finance, right? Why? Why is personal finance an important component for, let's say, for an employee to have a handle on for they go into a company?
Gaby Jordan 33:14
Well, first of all, you want to see what you need? Right? You want to be an AI, you know, I don't know whether it's before they go into a company, but I think it's something that they shouldn't ignore, okay, even in a company, right? Or they could be because there else is like, you don't have all these people out there. People, we have a lot of people who were looking for a job. And so it's not like it's not one thing and the than the other. But it's just something to pay attention to what your particular needs are, where you want to go, what you want to create, and then enabling yourself with whatever you need to get there. So they're just, you know, certain consciousness, I'll say, because that's what we do in the work that we do. It's really about elevating what is beneath the surface. Right. So I will, I will give you another book recommendation. There's a professor at the University of Virginia who wrote a book called strangers to ourselves. And one of the things that he talks about is the fact that we are thinking occurs on two levels, the conscious and the subconscious. And on a conscious level, you can only take in about 40 data points. And on a subconscious level, you take an 11 million, so you want to get very Yeah. And then studies have shown that 80% of our thinking is negative. Imagine 80% of our thinking is negative on a subconscious level, right? So we don't even know the thoughts that we're thinking. Yeah. So if you go to Malcolm Gladwell book, blink, and he talks about this dating study, where over 90% of the people they having filled out you know what they wanted in a partner and they go on the speed dating thing and the people they wind up with have nothing to do with what they wrote on the list. So just demonstrates that we don't even know what we're thinking anyway. How was getting very clear about what's under the surface and what's driving you and what your needs are makes a difference in how you show up. And so the idea about first and finances, what do you want? What do you need? What's valuable for you, and being willing to look at it? Because often we just don't look? Right. The it could be a reaction from our childhood that, you know, we had a parent who was a spendthrift and right, we're going the opposite direction, we're not gonna care, we need money, or we're so structured that we have no freedom around it. So getting a sense of what you want, and putting in steps to get you there not being restrictive not be, you know, Rachael Rogers, a big advocate of not, you know, like, don't not have a latte in order to be able to do the things you want like that, sir. Dig elsewhere. But the point is just getting conscious of things you want and being willing to dream, which is another thing we advocate, and being willing to see where you want to go. Even practicing in that area will support you in other areas, one of the things is you get good and care about a particular area of your life. And you put in consistency for yourself, and start to have wins there, you'll start to expand it elsewhere. So for example, you could start in finance, start to you know, make some guidelines for yourself about what you're actually going to do or not do start having success and then say, Oh, maybe I can do that with my health, or vice versa. Right? So it's getting, it's, it's using small steps to actually get you where you want to go so that you get proud of yourself so that you start to recognize, oh, I can do that in another area. And that builds your resilience and strength as an individual, so that you can then contribute on a larger scale, whether it's in your family, or whether it's in your business.
Ali Taylor 36:54
Yeah, that is, man, everything you said there was so brilliant. Because people really have not spent enough time getting to know themselves. They aren't like strangers themselves. You know, they haven't taken that time to create a vision for what it is they want their life. And so they're sort of, they sort of find themselves following somebody else's playbook. I've been talking about this alive with a couple of other business owners. Recently, in terms of, you know, we all just seem to be following some programs subscrip that's been laid out for us, we don't know who wrote it. We don't know why we're following it. We just know that. Well, a lot of people just know, they're not happy with the way that their lives are going, whether it's their jobs, their finances, or personal relationships. And so they haven't taken the time to really dig at discover, like, who am I? Right? And, yes, I need a job in order to pay bills and do all these other things. But, you know, if I don't know who I am, then I don't know how this job fits into what I want the overall narrative of my life to be. Right. And that's not to say that, you know, every job has to be like your big fulfilling passion, and all this other stuff. But it does make sense in order to sort of understand how that job fits into the life, right, it may not be the thing that you ultimately want to do. But you can see how it, the things that you will learn and that people that you would meet that job can lead you to the things that you really want. But first you got to know where you want to go.
Gaby Jordan 38:28
And then you said something that about people who are just unhappy, or they find that there are so I would also say there is another tool that they can do, they could they should actually probably do what we call a brain dump. So everything that is making them unhappy on a piece of paper and then be able to look at it rather than have obsessing here. Because when you obsess in here, it just grows like one of
Ali Taylor 38:52
my terrible neighborhood. Terrible.
Gaby Jordan 38:56
Neighborhood. Terrible. I have a friend who says like in the dark and grows like mold in Florida. So
Ali Taylor 39:05
I used to tell people, this is like newer camping and all enrolled.
Gaby Jordan 39:13
Exactly, exactly. And so getting them out on a piece of paper so they can actually look at and start to look Okay, where can I do something about it? Where am I just full of it to myself? Where am I being lazy? Where am I just being scared? That's a way to actually enable you to take accountability to take the actions that you care about and to see where do I need to focus?
Ali Taylor 39:35
Yeah, yeah. That just so I was just speaking to executives do this a lot to business leaders. Do you work with them to do this kind of work before? Absolutely. The full company?
Gaby Jordan 39:48
Oh, sure. Sure, sure. So I do you know, executive life coaching and we have both of those titles in there because it's not just about the work but it is about the life for the very reasons that we talked about. And so the work that I do is both on an individual level with executives as well as group work. And often we start with executives before we get to the group, because we want them to start to look at themselves and then be models for their teams, right? And be able to lead the way because they're leaders after all, right? And that's the point, right? So working with individuals to have them be able to see where in their lives they need to uplevel. Right. So really up level those results are up level their operating system. That's an important part of the work that we do. So even when we do group work. So sometimes we'll work with people before we start, and then we'll do the group and then we'll continue to do the work. But it's, you know, leading a workshop and then doing a continuation, making sure that the things that they've created are actually getting fulfilled. Right, and so that they're not on the for sure, yes, absolutely. Working with the executive CEO sea level, you know, executives that have teams. That's so
Ali Taylor 41:04
that's so incredibly important. And I thank you for doing that work, because I've had a couple of bad bosses. And actually, let me let me correct that. I don't want to say bad bosses. But because I, as someone who's had employees myself, I realized that a lot of the sort of unhealed, unexamined trauma and thought patterns and behaviors, you know, things that I didn't see is what created the culture and what actually created the business, as opposed to doing it from a conscious place. So you know, I want to sort of rescind calling them bad bosses, I just, I realized now that people are just running around with the things that maybe they haven't looked at the things they haven't examined, the things they haven't addressed. And oftentimes, that ends up becoming a default culture, you know, unintended, but that's what ends up being there. And so now it's just this person's unexamined stuff, interact with this person's unexamined stuff. And somehow you're trying to build a business and make money and serve customers who are also dealing with their existence.
Gaby Jordan 42:12
I mean, the thing about it is we are all human beings. And when we take knives that we are all part of an ecosystem, and that we actually can shift something, we don't have to, you know, point the finger over there cast aspersions not necessary, right? People are on their own journey, and then who are we in the matter to support them on whatever they're dealing with? And you know, what, sometimes it doesn't work. And sometimes you need to separate, it's not the right environment. You know, I was married before my current marriage a long time ago. And I went to my ex and my whole family and I went to my ex husband's 50th. And, you know, I did one of the one of the toasts. And as I said, you know, sometimes great people just shouldn't be married to each other. You know, and I believe that right, and I have a great relationship with my ex husband, one of the things I didn't say is I'm also a singer. And so I have a couple of CDs. And my ex husband is actually doing the music for my current CD, and I'm coaching in his life. And it was his idea, right? So that just goes to show what I believe is possible in relationships, right? So, you know, back to, sometimes you do need to separate from a job that doesn't work for you. Sometimes that dynamic is not something that can be altered. I am an advocate that you can alter anything, but you know, you're not in place and time and space. They're not. And then sometimes you gotta go. And that's also not bad. It just is what you've chosen in the moment. Yeah,
Ali Taylor 43:50
yeah, it might suck in the moment, it might hurt might be disappointing. But yeah, sometimes you need that separation in order to grow into the kind of people that can actually, you know, all those things that were raised that initially true together. Now it can actually, you know, flourish, it's the right environment, you know, the soil, if you will, has the right nutrients now, because of that separation.
Gaby Jordan 44:13
Ali Taylor 44:17
All right. See, what's my next question here? So what's the vision that you have for, you know, the future of the company and the kind of impact that you want to make, especially in light of everything that sort of happened in last couple of years with, there's a big push for returning to the office and that there's a big pole to want to stay working remotely to have that balance in life? What's the vision that you kind of see?
Gaby Jordan 44:45
I think that, you know, we are as a culture, multiple cultures evolving. And so my vision for what we provide for organizations is really that they flourish in being calm. It's just about creating their dream and going after their vision and going after it and being up leveling on Valentine's Day, the, the the heart, right, so that our organizations are, bring heart. And it is not that I'm saying don't have the bottom line in mind not at all. But they're going to be more effective when they incorporate the caring part of it. And so in terms of the company, my vision is really to have companies and entities exponentially expand as a result of their elevating their operating system. They're elevating their culture in order to have the consistency between what their vision is, and the reality of that.
Ali Taylor 45:56
Yeah, it's such a great point. I don't know if you if you have this information, but is there any place to find data, data, data or data, however you look at it? In terms of sort of heart led cultures, Business Cultures versus those that are just focused on the bottom line? I
Gaby Jordan 46:14
don't specifically I don't have a site of citation to provide right now. But there is there is research out there on that. I mean, there there are studies out there that demonstrate that as well. And so I'm sure the chat GPT could help us out. But in any event, no, I, I will just tell you what we've seen in terms of in terms of I mean, an example colleague and I went into do work at a at a $2 billion company, and elevated by 25%. In three months, the results of the company, as a result of them just starting to pay attention and stop being in silos. So that's an example of the fact that it does impact the bottom line.
Ali Taylor 47:04
Wow, that's amazing. Yeah, this is owners pay attention. Yes,
Gaby Jordan 47:10
exactly. And it's and you know, other instances where, you know, 25% increase in sales, and we weren't working on their sales. Another example,
Ali Taylor 47:20
natural byproduct of just Yes, people
Gaby Jordan 47:24
starting to care about each other people starting to people starting to not act in silos, but work together. Depending on, you know, in what realm one wants to go, there's sort of a universality to what, you know, what comes in as a result, you know, for you just leaving from a different space.
Ali Taylor 47:50
Gaby Jordan 47:53
Not a good space, but one that's, you know, expansive?
Ali Taylor 47:56
Yeah, that's open, expansive. That's yeah. I think I said this on Tina's summit last Saturday, it's like, why you do what you do impacts, you know, how you do it. So, you know, you to you and your team, doing the work to help people get really connected to their heart to get like, get connected to their passion, their purpose, their vision, for their lives, how their work, plays a part that really has a dramatic financial impact on how they do their work and how they're able to contribute to the business. Absolutely.
Gaby Jordan 48:35
And you know, one of the things in in sort of demonstrating the have an a human operating framework, human operating system framework. And one of the things that we say, there's what you do, there's what you don't do, and most importantly, the how, so, I'm the, you know, the why to the how, is huge is huge, right? Because it impacts you know, you being conscious and not doing things on a surface level, but because you care, and there's what you're committed to is huge.
Ali Taylor 49:08
Awesome. Alright, so let's see. Final question. So what's the what's the kind of legacy that you to leave with your business doing? And what impact do you want to have on just the industry?
Gaby Jordan 49:27
So certainly, you know, and as you know, I work in two realms, right? They're connected but you know, more specific so the nonprofit that I have, which is the in the in the world of education, where we've worked at over 75 different universities around the world, you know, universities and institutions of learning from and kindergarten through Dean's right? all have the same work set and then likewise in the business world, so I really my vision for impact on the world is elevating people's consciousness so that they can really go after what they want. And then having people recognize that this is key, and that the skills that, you know, executives get, often, if they're lucky, at a later point in life can be tip 10 be taught, we can teach, they can be taught to see five and six year olds, which we have done, by the way, okay. So ultimately, the legacy is that the these skills get taught in traditional education, so that we can empower students to go out and have a huge impact on the world. And then likewise, been the in the world of business, having leaders recognize and care about their people, and knowing that they're people caring about one another and being able to communicate with one another. is the path to Nirvana, not only personal merit, but their success. Yeah, that's their success, the look the road to their success, and impacting, you know, 1000s of businesses
Ali Taylor 51:09
in that, yeah, I Oh, man, I definitely hope that that legacy gets fulfilled. And I have no doubt that strides will definitely be made towards that we are definitely in a special time in our society where I think that's really what people are hungering for. And I hope that they understand that this is this is what's Why did this is what's needed, and that this will get fulfilled. And so if a company wants to work with you, a business leader wants to work with you. What should they do?
Gaby Jordan 51:39
They should get in touch. So they should go, they can reach me at gayby at source dash elements And I'm happy to chat, happy to see what what there is that can be valuable for them or what we can provide. Awesome,
Ali Taylor 51:55
they'll get that consultation and be able to see like, hey, what's possible what's what's help them diagnose what they're not doing in their business and what what can be missing. And then they can actually go forth and sort of see what how your programs can work with them. Exactly. Thanks. Cool. All right. And then I know I said My other question was the final question. This is actually my footnote. Which is, as our conversation comes to a close, what's one piece of wisdom that you would like to leave our audience with? It doesn't have to be related to business, it could just be a general, but just some piece of wisdom from gating.
Gaby Jordan 52:32
Be willing to go out and dream. Be willing to actually look at what you really want. And start taking action. Where that's leading the way.
Ali Taylor 52:47
Oh, awesome. Gaby thank you so much for being here today. And thank you anybody that's watching this. Thank you for joining the Wednesday wisdom series. I will see you here next week. Take care.
Gaby Jordan 52:59
Thank you so much. Ali. Thank you for doing it's really great.
Transcribed by
Join host Ali Taylor and Gaby Jordan, CEO of Source Elements Group and Founder of Human Better EDU, in a special Valentine's Day edition of the Wednesday Wisdom series focused on the power of loving where you work. Gaby, with her extensive background in executive coaching and legal practice, shares transformative insights on building successful, aligned company cultures and personal fulfillment. This episode dives into the importance of happiness in workplace effectiveness and personal development, alongside strategies for overcoming setbacks and fostering fulfilling work environments.
What You'll Learn:
- Strategies for aligning company culture with business success and employee satisfaction.
- The importance of professional branding and effective resume building for career advancement.
- How to navigate career transitions and turn setbacks into opportunities for growth.
- Techniques for personal development and self-awareness that enhance professional effectiveness.
- The role of happiness in achieving effectiveness and success in both personal and professional realms.
For Whom:
Ideal for professionals seeking to align their career aspirations with personal fulfillment and company culture success.

About The Wednesday Wisdom Series
Unless you've discovered the secret to everlasting life, you don't have enough time to learn everything there is to learn about how to grow and scale your business on your own.
The Wednesday Wisdom Series is where experienced professionals share their wisdom on running, growing, and scaling a business.